This explanation is a simple speculation
according to the limited knowledge that I have about physics and the
Lets start with Evolution. Human Evolution
spanned across many many years.
This is a known theory and many people are aware of this. But when looking into the details, there is one missing link. If we simplify it to a DNA perspective, Chimps and Orangutans have only one copy of
SRGAP2 gene, while humans have multiple copies of the SRGAP2 gene. This gene is
believed to be involved in the development of the brain. Therefore having these multiple copies of the SRGAP2 gene may explain why us humans are more intelligent by our ape relatives.
It is believed that this change is the missing
link. It is still not explained what caused this change in the human DNA. It is also known that to copy a whole human being upto every single cell, we need only 5% of the information that a DNA strand carries. What is the purpose of the rest of the 95%?
Lets try to answer this question from the concept of time. How did humans be evolved as we are today? And what does the mystery of time have to do with it?
If there is a life form that can perceive higher dimensions, then they would not face the effects of time. They would in front of their eyes see the past present and future occur at the same time. What if a human being in the future, was able to perceive the 5th dimension? What if this human can see the past present and future occur at the same time? And what if this human being who has control of all points of our timeline is the person who was responsible to manipulate our human evolution which resulted in the existence of us?
If a being was able to perceive the 5th dimension, that being would be able to see the past where it all began. Then the being would try to introduce or kick start anomalies that may have been the origin of all man kind. May be this is the concept of creationism. Even Evolution, how did the first cell come to existence? May be it was one person who simply was able to perceive a higher dimension, thus controls the past present and the future of us. Therefore life as we know it can be an infinite loop. We are just too immature to understand the complexity or the beauty behind our lives. All we can do is ask ourselves questions. Speculate things even though you know it goes against everything you believe in. This is how questions in life are answered. Once there were people who thought Einstein was crazy, and his research did not make sense. But now, Einsteins findings were able to completely change the views of our universe.
But we will never understand whats the true meaning of life. Because we humans are NAIVE. Oh yes believe me when I saw we are naive. The reason that humans have not figured out the proper purpose of their existence is because of their lack of intelligence to understand that we all humans are the same. Every human tries to live their life trying to obtain a better life relative to others for very selfish reasons. Imagine how advance would space travel if all the space agencies of our world pooled their resources and worked as one unit? Imagine how advance our race would be if our whole planet functioned as one unit. This is what us humans must go through. The day that every human being understands how less significant they are in life is the day that everyone will put all their differences aside and start working together for the greater good.
To Be Continued .....
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