Time is one of the most confusing concepts to understand. When looking from the normal eye people feel that time is constant and is equal to each and every person. But when studying it close we see that a question arises about its consistency. Assume you are doing something you like ( a date, going on a trip) then every person has the feeling of time flying out of control. And assume you are doing something you hate like attending a boring seminar or lecture then no matter how many times you look at your wrist watch time doesn't flow at all. Einstein explained that time varies from person to person and even the location. This is how it happens. To understand the concept of time we should know that time is not a single entity. It is one fabric woven with the space which is known as the space time fabric. And just as a normal fabric huge objects are able to distort the space time fabric and make time go slower.
The way Einstein proved this space-time hypothesis is shown in the following photo. When a star is in location A shown in the image the light which comes from the star is shown by the line drawn from A. Because the space time fabric is highly distorted(Image 2) due to the suns massive size the light beam would also bend along the fabric and arrive to the earth. Then when we see the light of the star at position A actually we see it as if the star is in position B. So if we an Astrophysicist can view this change he will know that the star should be in the point A not point B so that would prove Albert Einstein's theory about how even light is bent because of the space time fabric distortion.

Einstein accurately predicted by how many degrees the light would deflect from the actual position to the apparent position because of the space-time fabric distortion.

But in reality we know we cannot see the light from a star behind the sun because of the blinding light of the sun. Einstein being the genius he was realized the only time that he can view the light of the stars behind the sun is during a Perfect Solar Eclipse. Because of the Eclipse the light from the sun is covered and the stars around it would appear. And Einstein's predictions were completely accurate proving the existence of the space-time fabric.
According to the theory it says that when people live near massive objects like giant pyramids time goes relatively slow compared with a person living in a general area because the space-time fabric is slightly distorted due to the immense size of a pyramid. According to Professor Stephen Hawking one possibility of time travel is if a powerful spaceship enters the super massive black hole's orbit without being sucked into the black hole which can be achieved by travelling at the proper speed and angle. Then the space craft will orbit around the black hole just like satellite orbits the earth. Because the super massive black hole in the milky way galaxy is 2.6 million times as the mass of our sun. So we can imagine to what an extent the space time fabric should have distorted because of it.
And we also know that the faster we go the slower time goes around us. So we know now certain concepts of time which would help us understand the universe in a more wider angle.
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