Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The World Around Us

The world around us appears so simple and natural to the naked eye. But one thing which blew my mind was the infamous double slit experiment. The double slit experiment explains the behavior of electrons around us. The importance in it is we know every sort of life form and object is made from atoms and every atom has an electron in it. So the behavior of electron has an effect of every single object including all life forms on earth.

The Wave-Particle duality of electrons is what is proven by the following experiment.

The Double Slit Experiment.

Single Slit.

We all know what happens when tiny particles are shot through a single slit. The expected outcome is shown by the following image.

Image 1

Image 2

As shown in image 1 when particles are fired through a single slit the pattern of the observation is clearly shown. In image 2 we can see a beam of light travelling through the slit and that observation also enforces the effects of how particles behave when travelling through a single slit. When making this observation we should not forget that light is a particle, not a wave.

Now lets look at the effects of a a wave travelling through a single slit. The apparent observation is shown below.

As we see above when a wave travels through a single slit the behavior of the wave is different from the behavior of a particle. This helps us find out the difference between a behavior of a wave and a particle through a single slit.

Double Slits
Now lets upgrade the experiment. Lets use 2 slits instead of 1. When a beam of particles are fired through a double slit the following observations can be made.

When the particles are fired through the double slits we can see two bands of particles as shown in the images above. This also proves how particles behave when travelling through any number of slits.

But when it comes to waves, the outcome is pretty interesting. When a wave travels through a double slit we can see the following observation.

The above observation occurs because when 2 waves collide some parts of the wave adds up and is shown by the bright white bands while some parts of the 2 waves cancel out leaving the dark band. This is the apparent effect of when a wave travels through 2 slits how the 2 ripples coming from each slit collides and certain parts add up and certain parts cancel off.

So now we know how particles travel through a single slit and a double slit and also how a wave acts when travelling through a single and double slit. The noteworthy point of a wave travelling through a double slit is that it shows an interference pattern (adding up and cancelling off) .

Now lets miniaturize this experiment and go to the quantum world. The same experiment above was done by using electrons. Now we know an electron is a particle. So when we fired the electron beam through a single slit the expected results were apparent as follows.
The electrons reacted as predicted by the above experiments. The behavior of the electron proved that its a particle not a wave.

Now comes the most controversial part of the experiment. The Electron beam is now fired through double slits.
THE ELECTRON BEAM BEHAVED AS A WAVE !!! by observing the above image the predicted outcome is the electrons to form 2 bands parallel with the slits as the normal particles behave. But the electron beam behaved like a wave when travelling through double slits. This confused the physicists and they came up with an explanation.
They told "Oh then the electrons in the beam must be colliding with each other which gives this wave effect" So the physicists set up the experiment but instead of firing a beam of electrons, they fired one electron at a time so there is no way that an interference would occur like a wave due to collisions between electrons. But STILL the interference pattern occurred. Physicists always thought the electron was a particle. But when travelling through double slits the electron behaves like a WAVE!!!
Then to make sure what really goes on the physicists setup a device so they can monitor what exactly happens near the slits to each and every electron. But the physical world is far more mysterious than they ever imagined. The experiment was carried out with the device to observe the behavior of the electron near the double slit.

The outcome was the electrons DIDN'T behave like a wave. The electrons behaved like normal particles would do when shot through a double slit (2 bands occur parallel to the slits) ... When the observing device was removed then the electron started to behave like a wave AGAIN. This is the birth of Wave Particle duality. The electron knew when the humans observed its actions carefully. Then the electron behaved like a particle travelling through double slits. But when the observation device was removed the electron behaved like a wave. So we can say every electron when not observed behaves like a WAVE , as if the electron knew when it was observed by humans. So we can see what effects humans have on electrons.

Which means we should know if a group of people observes a student and if they think "this person will do great in his studies", that positive energy would affect the student and his life to a certain extent and vice versa. This is the birth of Quantum theory. And we see how some facts are simply amazing in our universe and the deepest mysteries of it !!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Concept Of 'TIME"

Time is one of the most confusing concepts to understand. When looking from the normal eye people feel that time is constant and is equal to each and every person. But when studying it close we see that a question arises about its consistency. Assume you are doing something you like ( a date, going on a trip) then every person has the feeling of time flying out of control. And assume you are doing something you hate like attending a boring seminar or lecture then no matter how many times you look at your wrist watch time doesn't flow at all. Einstein explained that time varies from person to person and even the location. This is how it happens. To understand the concept of time we should know that time is not a single entity. It is one fabric woven with the space which is known as the space time fabric. And just as a normal fabric huge objects are able to distort the space time fabric and make time go slower.

The way Einstein proved this space-time hypothesis is shown in the following photo. When a star is in location A shown in the image the light which comes from the star is shown by the line drawn from A. Because the space time fabric is highly distorted(Image 2) due to the suns massive size the light beam would also bend along the fabric and arrive to the earth. Then when we see the light of the star at position A actually we see it as if the star is in position B. So if we an Astrophysicist can view this change he will know that the star should be in the point A not point B so that would prove Albert Einstein's theory about how even light is bent because of the space time fabric distortion.

Einstein accurately predicted by how many degrees the light would deflect from the actual position to the apparent position because of the space-time fabric distortion.

But in reality we know we cannot see the light from a star behind the sun because of the blinding light of the sun. Einstein being the genius he was realized the only time that he can view the light of the stars behind the sun is during a Perfect Solar Eclipse. Because of the Eclipse the light from the sun is covered and the stars around it would appear. And Einstein's predictions were completely accurate proving the existence of the space-time fabric.

According to the theory it says that when people live near massive objects like giant pyramids time goes relatively slow compared with a person living in a general area because the space-time fabric is slightly distorted due to the immense size of a pyramid. According to Professor Stephen Hawking one possibility of time travel is if a powerful spaceship enters the super massive black hole's orbit without being sucked into the black hole which can be achieved by travelling at the proper speed and angle. Then the space craft will orbit around the black hole just like satellite orbits the earth. Because the super massive black hole in the milky way galaxy is 2.6 million times as the mass of our sun. So we can imagine to what an extent the space time fabric should have distorted because of it.

And we also know that the faster we go the slower time goes around us. So we know now certain concepts of time which would help us understand the universe in a more wider angle.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Universe

One of the things which occurred to me was the cycle of of the origin of our universe. We know the start of our universe is the Big Bang.. But what was before that?? I found an answer to this while studying Advanced Level Physics which stated about the Big bang and also the possibilities of the BIG CRUNCH and an Open Universe concepts.

At the moment the predicted outcome is the Open Universe Concept where the Universe will expand forever(Infinite Expansion as shows below) and every galaxy would be distant from one another making our universe a very lonely place. This is a theory which i always thought would not happen because i expected the Universe to be a cycle(big crunch Cycle) rather than one start and a never ending End.

But the most explainable concept is the Big Crunch where the Universe starts expanding since the Big Bang and then after a certain time the Expansion of the universe reverses and the universe re-collapses ultimately ending as a black hole singularity. The most interesting part is after the black hole singularity occurs the next possible explanation is another big bang causing the same cycle to happen over and over again explaining the question "What was there before the Big Bang???? "

But even though this is the most logical explanation the Open Universe concept is apparently winning the race . So if we lead to an Open Universe we get a question "What was there before the Big Bang." Where is the start ? where is the end? We may say before us it used to be " Big Bang-->Expansion Of the Universe--Re collapse Of Universe--> Big bang " which is the Big Crunch Cycle used to continue and it comes to an end in this Era due to some reason and that great cycle came to an end leading our universe to -->i call it the 'Never Ending End "(Infinite Expansion)

the Big Crunch and Open universe concept depends on the Matter there is spread out in the universe. Less Matter will lead to an Open Universe and dense matter can lead to a Big Crunch!!.

The Drake Equation

The drake Equation is one of the most Controversial equations which validate the existence of Extra terrestrial Civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.... The equation was built up by Professor Frank Drake in the year 1961.. This is a part i ripped off a website which describes the drake equation in a brief manner.

N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L
  • N = The number of communicative civilizations
  • R* = The rate of formation of suitable stars (stars such as our Sun)
  • fp = The fraction of those stars with planets. (Current evidence indicates that planetary systems may be common for stars like the Sun.)
  • ne = The number of Earth-like worlds per planetary system
  • fl = The fraction of those Earth-like planets where life actually develops
  • fi = The fraction of life sites where intelligence develops
  • fc = The fraction of communicative planets (those on which electromagnetic communications technology develops)
  • L = The "lifetime" of communicating civilizations.

Professor Frank Drake’s own solution to the Drake Equation estimates 10,000 potential communicative civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy, Who serves on the SETI League’s advisory board, has personally endorsed SETI’s planned all sky survey.

And i would show below how the value 10 000 came as an answer.

  • The Steller Formation rate R* = 100 stars per year.
  • Planetary Formation Fp = 10% of stars in our galaxy are like our sun.
  • Earth-like Planets ne = 1.0 habitable planets around the star.
  • Evolution of life Fl = 10% of those earth like planets evolve life.
  • Evolution of Intelligence Fi = 100% of those planets with life have intelligent life.
  • Communications technology Fc = 1% of the planets with intelligence use radio technology.
  • Longevity L = 1000 000 years in communicative phase.
  • ESTIMATED CIVILIZATIONS N = 10 000 potential communications partners.

N= 100 x 10% x 1.0 x 10% x 100% x 1% x 1000 000 = 10 000

Average separation of these civilizations in the Milky Way: 1,988 light years

So there are 10 000 possibilities of communicating alien civilizations ... Pretty amazing isn't it.. So when will the Math would be proven correct?? As I heard the US government is considering to put out the confidential details of extra terrestrial related situations which would be a great breakthrough to mankind because the physics proves the existence of intelligent life so how can we deny the possibility when considering the size of the universe and the unlimited possibilities.
The average separation has been calculated between such civilizations which gives us a value of 1988 light years.
The calculation is shows down below:-

For the curiosity i have i calculated the average distance in Kilometers will be able to found as follows.

Speed of light = 299 792 458 m/s
The distance of a light year = 299792458x60x60x24x365.25 m
= 9460730473000 km
There for average distance to other drake stars would be =1988x9460730473000 km
=18807932180000000 km
Pretty long distance but im sure we will overcome it one day ...